Board of Trustees:

President: Sian Petz

First Vice President: Nancy Port

Second Vice President: Barb Crysler

Recording Secretary: Elizabeth Henton

Treasurer: Margaret Leblang

Endowment Treasurer: Bill Crysler


Trustees at Large:

Janine LaBounty

Sandra Vine

John Tamplin

Jeanne Jones Jindra

Megan Williams

Gerri Baker Parry

Jane Elaine Page

Susan Bloom



President: Bill Crysler

Vice President: Brad Crysler

Second Vice President: John C. Tamplin

Secretary: Andrew Henton

Treasurer: Gerry Baker Parry



On September 6, 1911, eighteen ladies met in a family home to organize The Ladies Auxiliary of the Welsh Society of Cleveland, Ohio. Officers were elected and the history of what is now known as the Women's Welsh Clubs of America began.

Over a century ago, our Welsh ancestors saw the need for the care of their older Welsh community. From that beginning, we are now blessed to be serving The Welsh Home: an amazing facility for the care of not only our Welsh compatriots, but of men and women of all nationalities. Our goal is to maintain the level of tender care of our residents in their particular needs that they may be comforted and at peace. We are committed to that service to humanity.

The early years were highlighted with tea parties, rummage sales and social events, as well as monthly Tuesday meetings. It was at one of those meetings that the decision was made to open the first Welsh Home. The year was 1919 and the site was Mayfield Road in Cleveland Heights. The home soon filled and the search for more land and larger quarters began.

The Women's Welsh Clubs of America have operated and maintained The Welsh Home in Rocky River since 1922. Today, the Board of Trustees meets regularly to ensure a continued tradition of excellence. We refer to our residents as family because we care for them as if they were our own relatives.

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